Ten simple things you can do in Wigan to celebrate Random Act of Kindness Day

Posted on: 17 February 2020

Ten simple things you can do in Wigan to celebrate Random Act of Kindness Day

In this 90 second read, we look at how one kind act started a movement in America which has become increasingly popular in the UK over the past few years.
Monday 17 February is recognised as Random Act of Kindness Day.
It’s a chance to do something positive, and what’s not to like about that?
Its origins are in America, but the feelgood factor has spread much further afield and has made its way to Wigan.
At Alan Batt we’ll be getting involved and paying it forward.
And it doesn’t have to be grand gestures because when it comes to paying it forward, small things can have big impacts.
Below are ten simple things you can consider doing to get involved.
1) Let someone go before you in a queue.
2) Offer someone your seat on public transport.
3) Pay for someone’s morning coffee.
4) Pay a compliment to a stranger.
5) Text a friend and thank them for being them.
6) Do a 10-minute litter pick in your neighbourhood.
7) Drop off some clothes you no longer need to a charity shop.
8) Say good morning, with a smile, to a stranger.
9) Write a Google / Facebook review for a local business who serve you well.
10) Be kind to yourself – Take 10 minutes out of your busy day and do something you enjoy.
We’d love to hear what you’ve done to celebrate Random Act of Kindness Day so feel free to get in touch.
And remember folks, sharing really is caring, so if you found this article interesting, please ‘pay it forward’ by sharing it or tagging a loved one, friend or family member.


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