Getting Organised

Posted on: 11 October 2016

Getting Organised 

Getting organised can be a daunting prospect if you’re not a naturally organised person - get it right and you’ll soon wish you’d started earlier. Having everything in order and in place can also have a knock on effect on other parts of your life too.


When you have things in order you’ll feel less stressed and everything will feel more manageable.

Getting organised doesn’t have to be a big deal either, you can make small changes to your daily routine without feeling overwhelmed.


Here are just a few essential tips to get you started…


Make your bed

This is one of the most important things you can do. You don’t have to spend time making sure you have hospital corners but just make sure that your sleeping area is tidy.

Not only will this promote productivity for your day ahead but it’ll also feel better when you get back in to it after a long day.


Make a to do list

Spend a few minutes before you go to bed to write a to-do list for the next day.

You may want to list tasks or even jot down daily goals but you’ll be clearing your mind before you sleep and you’ll get a head start on the next day.



 Quit throwing your clothes on the floor

No one wants to face a bulging washing basket or get up for work the next day to have to scramble around on the floor looking for that top you wanted to wear.

Make sure that you tend to your clothes as soon as you take them off - hang them up or put them in the washing basket.


Wash your dishes

A sink over flowing with dishes will make your whole kitchen look messy. After every meal or before you go to bed just wash your dishes or stack the dishwasher so that it’s done and dusted.


Give your kitchen counters a quick wipe down

Do this whilst you’re waiting for the kettle to boil or the dog to come in from the garden.

Just giving your counter tops and sink a quick wipe down keeps everything tidy and you stay on top of your cleaning before it gets too much.



Arrange your post

Most of us just throw our post on the table when we get in-start making an effort to open and file your post as soon as you get it.

This will ensure you don’t miss any important notifications or bill payments and will save a pile up of junk mail too.

The same goes for your email account - action and delete any emails as soon as they come in rather than letting them build.


Always keep your keys in the same place

This may seem a simple tip but always make sure your keys are in the same place.

This saves you running around the house in a panic when you’re on your way out.


Plan for tomorrow

You don’t have to make rigid plans but just mentally walk through your morning before you go to sleep and work out how best to plan for it.

Lay out any items you may need and know what time you need to get up in order to give you plenty of time in the morning.


Getting organised and making sure your home is organised is a good way of staying in control of things.

It is especially important that you stay organised when you’re in the process of buying or selling your home as you’ll have a lot of different balls to juggle.

Small steps are often the way forward, you don’t have to go all in, just tweak the above tips to suit your own lifestyle.


Don’t forget to follow @AlanBattUK on twitter for more lifestyle and property tips.


For more help and advice on how you can achieve the very best price in the shortest possible time speak to one of our experienced team at Alan Batt Estate Agents.


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